
Easter for Software Developers

· reading time: ca. 2 min.
Easter and arrays have more in common than you might think. Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection show how easy it is to get numbers wrong …

Artificial Intelligence (part 1)

· reading time: ca. 3 min.
Jesus accepts us as we are, but also gives us strength for positive change. Christian faith gives security in social changes …

Why did Jesus have to die?

· reading time: ca. 5 min.
Jesus' death shows us what God is like and how He relates to us humans. For believing Christians, His death means that they have eternal life …

What is the difference between Christianity and yoga? (part 3)

· reading time: ca. 9 min.
A recent WDR documentary reports critically about yoga. Based on my previous experience with yoga, I give my assessment of it …


· reading time: ca. 10 min.
Christian faith is not mainly about being a good person, but about our relationship with God. God helps us to do good …


· reading time: ca. 9 min.
Mission means passing on information and experiences about the Christian faith that you rarely hear in the media. Those who seek God can find him …

Second-class Christians?

· reading time: ca. 4 min.
When it comes to faith, it is the personal decision that counts, not the lineage. Whether we are raised Christian or not: we have peace in Jesus …

What is the Holy Spirit? (part 2)

· reading time: ca. 7 min.
God is all-powerful, but we must exercise caution in our demands. Every Christian has different gifts. God's word does not always correspond to our desires …

What is the Holy Spirit? (part 1)

· reading time: ca. 7 min.
As part of the Trinity, He mediated between God and the prophets. He worked many miracles and guides believing Christians through their lives even today …

How can I experience God?

· reading time: ca. 10 min.
When you take time for God, He shows Himself in many situations: Not only in prayer and Bible reading, but also in other people or in nature …

Why is there suffering in the world? (theodicy)

· reading time: ca. 12 min.
Suffering arises from free will. Christian faith can help us to deal with it better. With eternity in mind, every suffering seems small …

Man and Woman (part 2)

· reading time: ca. 7 min.
Men and women have different emotional needs, studies also show. The Bible can help us to better understand the opposite sex …

Man and Woman (part 1)

· reading time: ca. 7 min.
In Christianity, (monogamous) marriage is not simply a commandment. Stages in life such as engagement and marriage are symbolic of the path to God …

Did Jesus really exist?

· reading time: ca. 8 min.
Extra-biblical sources show that Jesus really lived. Roman and Greek records have parallels to the Bible …

What is the difference between Christianity and yoga? (part 2)

· reading time: ca. 12 min.
As yoga center employee, I experienced that spirituality and work were closely connected. As a Christian, I will go to heaven without any prior achievement …

What is the difference between Christianity and yoga? (part 1)

· reading time: ca. 6 min.
Yoga is a religious system in which one is rewarded and punished over many lifetimes. The Christian God gives eternal life after death …

What distinguishes Christianity from other religions?

· reading time: ca. 4 min.
Several points make Christianity unique: We have the certainty of going to heaven. Even in this life, God takes care of us …

How to become a Christian?

· reading time: ca. 10 min.
One becomes a Christian through a personal decision of faith, not because one is a member of a church. To do this, one must understand the message of Jesus …

Why the Bible as a basis?

· reading time: ca. 6 min.
God has left us an "instruction manual" for life so that we can find Him. As Christians, this gives us a common foundation …

Which Bible translations are there?

· reading time: ca. 2 min.
The Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek. There are various dynamic and formal equivalence translations, as well as interlinear translations …


· reading time: ca. 4 min.
God is made up of three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - just as water appears as steam or ice. God also invites us to a relationship …

What are the "four solae"?

· reading time: ca. 2 min.
The "four solae" summarize the Reformation: Only through personal faith that Jesus died for our faults do we go to heaven …